Track / Return Your Order
Steps to Track / Return Your Order:
Step-1: Visit
Step-2: Enter your Order ID in the given field and click on Submit.
Step-3 (for Order Tracking): For tracking your order, you’ll only need your Order ID and it’ll show you the details of where is your order currently.
Step-3 (for Order Return): For returning your order, enter Order ID and it’ll take you to the next step.
Step-4: Click on ‘Request For Return’ button to return your order.
Step-5: You will be asked to Verify the OTP. After entering OTP again click on ‘Request For Return’ button.
Step-6: A form will appear where you have to select the reason to return the product. If your reason is not listed then click ‘Others’ and enter your reason there.
Step-7: Click the Next button in the bottom right corner.
Step-8: Select the product you would like to return.
Step-9: Repeat Step-7.
Step-10: Choose a way in which you want your amount to be refunded.
Step-11: Repeat Step-7
Step-12: Finally, Submit your return request by clicking ‘Done’ button in the bottom right corner. You’ll be notified about your return request.
Step-13: Finish.